Thirteenth Age
Welcome to Thirteenth Age! This is an epic fantasy world of orcs, elves, dwarves and humans, but with a few twists.
Attributions: The following is adapted from the Open Game License version of Thirteenth Age by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, available here: Archmage Engine PDF.
A bit of legalese for community use content:
This website uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Fire Opal Media Inc., which are used under the Fire Opal Media Inc., 13th Age Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This website is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Fire Opal Media.
An Adventurer's Guide to the Three Realms Background to the game. (first draft - this will probably change).
A History of the Dragon Empire By Lazlo Carac and contributors, with illustrations by Ai.
Character sheet v2.2
Creating your Character A complete guide. Warning: Contains numbers.
Character Builder. Excel file for calculating numbers for your character sheet.
Thirteenth Age for Roleplayers. A three-page summary of the game for the rules-phobic.
Rules Summary. The general rules of the game (10 pages).
Thirteenth Age Tiddlywiki. Background and full rules with hyperlinks (and a few formatting issues). Hint: ctrl-g will find and highlight a search term in any open tiddler.
Adventure Notes
Adventure 1: Strikefast
Adventure 2 part 1: The Missing Weapons